Gov. Northam Celebrates InnovAge's Grand Opening of Richmond Center

Gov. Northam Celebrates InnovAge's Grand Opening of Richmond Center

New Richmond PACE center supports independence for seniors

(Richmond, VA) - The Honorable Ralph Northam , Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and other states leaders celebrated the grand opening of the new InnovAge PACE Center, 750 East 6 th Street in Richmond. The new center is one of four InnovAge PACE centers in Virginia and replaces the MacTavish Avenue facility.

Daniel Carey, MD , Virginia secretary of health and human resources and Terry Smith, director of aging and disability services with the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services also attended the event. US Senator Tim Kaine provided a video message.

Known nationally as the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, PACE is an alternative to nursing facilities designed to keep older adults independent and living at home for as long as safely possible.

Centrally located in Richmond, InnovAge's new PACE center has the capacity to serve 330 participants annually in the 18,779 square foot building. The facility features a modern dental clinic and a larger primary care clinic. Also, the new center offers multiple day rooms, beautiful outside patio and a large physical therapy area. The new facility design supports more individualized care for functional and cognitive participant needs.

“Our passion and mission at InnovAge are to provide services to the most vulnerable seniors to help them age independently with dignity. The PACE program is the best way to do that, ”said Maureen Hewitt, InnovAge president and CEO. “The opening of this new Richmond facility is part of our effort to bring PACE to more seniors throughout the country. Virginia has always been welcoming and supportive of caring for seniors, and we are glad to be here.

PACE participants receive the services of primary care physicians, nurses, dentists, social workers, home care workers, physical and occupational therapists, and pharmacists. Services are provided at neighborhood PACE centers, which are both medical facilities and social hubs. Transportation to and from seniors' homes and to PACE centers, as well as approved specialty care appointments, is included.

Terry Smith, director of aging and disability services, (standing) celebrates the grand opening of InnovAge's new Richmond center with PACE participants Sharon Moses and Bertha Young (seated left to right). 


Local community leaders, friends of PACE, and PACE participants toured the new InnovAge Richmond center. The new center features larger physical therapy and clinical exercise facilities.


(Left to Right) Terry Smith, director of aging and disability services, Silvia Boswell, InnovAge regional chief operating officer, Governor Ralph Northam, and Daniel Carey, MD, Virginia secretary of health and human resources celebrated the opening of InnovAge's new Richmond center. The new center is designed to serve more than 300 frail seniors.


(Left to Right) Daniel Carey, MD, Virginia secretary of health and human resources learned more about PACE from Paul Thornton, an InnovAge PACE participant.
For More Information
Sarah Rasmussen, APR
Director of Communications
720-646-0312 |

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